This week on Speak Up Speak Out Radio, Jodie Buller talks with Richard
Brocksmith, Executive Director the Skagit Watershed Council; A Community
Partnership for Salmon, which is an "umbrella organization" of community
stakeholders, about their ongoing efforts to restore habitat for fish in
the Skagit watershed.
The Skagit river system is home to all five native species of wild pacific
salmon, as well as steelhead and trout. Richard talks about SWC's
"watershed-wide" approach to conservation and restoration, outlines
projects underway with the 37 SWC partners, and shares details about their
new #OurSkagit campaign, to connect with the community about what makes
Skagit so special. There are a few days left in the Seasons of Skagit Fall
Photo Contest - submission deadline is January 15th, via their website and
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